Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hey Jude, Don't be afraid.... Lyrics in my head today!

Hi Everyone,

So I know that it has been a really long time since I have posted, and yes I hate excuses, but really, I have been busy. Technically now I should be going to bed but I really just wanted to send a shout out. After training in Morogoro at the end of March, I started teaching A-level Math only instead of chemistry and Basic Applied Mathematics. Well, I am getting a run for my money. All those things in college I never thought I would use again... Guess what.... I have to relearn them. But don't worry, my worries of forgetting math while I am in TZ is no longer a worry. In fact, I am learning some new things, like sets and logic. So now I will be able to make a sound argument. Anyway, my weeks have been a bit rough. So I haven't had much time to post or write letters. But I hope to send some letter this weekend. It is my first weekend to myself...well kind of. I tell you, when you think you are finally free, your weekend fills up so fast that next thing you know, it's Monday and you start it all over again.

I am beginning to wonder if I am working harder here than last year! I know you may laugh Laina, Michele, and Maureen, because we worked our butts off last year, but this is pretty demanding. Anyway, I hope everyone had a good Easter. I went with a fellow teacher to visit Dodoma. It was very pleasent. I got to see the biggest University in TZ. UDom. It is really nice, a lot of it is being built new right now. Also, i got to see the Dodoma region while it is green because it is rainy season right now. And boy, was it gorgeous! Well, sorry to be so short. More later, but dishes are calling before I go to bed so I don't find them attacked by ants in the morning (may be slight exageration).


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